Girls 3 v 3

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Girls Rec Basketball Details!

Program starts on Tuesday, January 14 - Register Today!

Welcome to Girls 3v3 basketball! Pennington Basketball - a values-driven organization - is again offering Girls Rec basketball on Tuesday evenings.

This year's program starts in January through March. Below are the details. Please note that the divisions/age groups have been updated to maximize play time and skill work.


We are excited to welcome a new trainer in 2025!  Aliyah Jeune is a New Jersey native who played her college career at Rutgers and USC and played professionally in Europe and Asia.  She is currently an assistant coach at Princeton Academy, as well as the director of recruitment and player development at The Hun School.


Program Dates:   Tuesdays

  • January: 14th, 21st, 28th 
  • February: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
  • March:  4th, 11th, 18th, 25th (reschedule date, if needed)


Timberlane Middle School (Old Gym)

Tuesay Times: New Age Groups! 

2nd - 4th Grades: 7pm-8pm (please try to arrive 10 minutes early)

5th - 7th Grades: 8pm-9pm (please try to arrive 10 minutes early)


You can register today! (click here)

3v3 space is limited due to gym size.


Each division can hold 30 girls total. 



We need your help spreading the word about this trainer-led, parent coach-less program.  While demand has been high in recent years, we do need at least 35 girls to sign up in order to be able to continue to offer this program.

The focus is on fundamentals and fun, in a positive, professional trainer-led environment. Would you spread the news to families in these grades?

Space in Girls rec is limited. Sign up today to secure your spot at



Each player should bring their own basketball (size 28.5). This is important for dribbling and other skill work. 


Sneakers only are allowed on gym floor.  

Note: if the weather is inclement, please change into sneakers upon entering the building or bring a towel to dry off the bottoms of your shoes. Wet sneakers on the gym floor can be dangerous.


Players bring their own water bottles.  

Parent Expectations:

  • PBA does have an expectation that parents will remain positive and calm on the sidelines: 

· PBA also wants to make sure that parents allow the professional trainers to do the teaching/coaching.  

· Outside of their parents, coaches (just like teachers) are seen as authority figures for kids. Getting mixed messages from their coaches and parents causes confusion and stress for them...which ultimately takes away from their positive experience.  

· Please cheer and clap, but keep everything supportive and positive. PBA does reserve the right to ask a parent to leave the gym if their behavior is deemed inappropriate by PBA staff. This has never happened. Let's keep the streak alive! :) 

This is our fifth season of Girls Only 3v3 Rec Basketball. We're extremely excited that the program is growing and look forward to another fun season!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Tom Patterson

PBA, Girls Rec Coordinator




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